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Traveller 2300 Kafer Dawn Adventure GDW 1987 OOP KC

Regular price $15.99

Description: Life on Aurore was difficult at best. But the inhabitants always took a special pride in their planet -- it was the most spectacularly beautiful and at the same time least hospitable of the garden planets in the French Arm. Then the Kafers came...

The Kafers were first encountered at Arcturus, and then their invasion fleet and invading armies struck Aurora. The battle was close, but the major population centers held out. Now, the remaining Kafers need to be hunted down and rooted out.

Kafer Dawn covers the campaign to mop up the Auroran "hotback" from the viewpoint of several adventurers who come to join the fight against mankind's most bitter foe. From the time the players ground ship on Aurore as raw recruits to the time they participate in the final drive against the last major groupings of Kafers in the hotback, they will gradually learn more and more about their violent but complex enemy.

Designed for the Traveller: 2300 science fiction role-playing game. Copyright 1987 GDW Game Designers' Workshop. 48 pages. OOP.

Condition: New, mild shelfwear on covers, price sticker residue. Staples are tight with a light patina of rust. Otherwise the interior pages are NMint.

MPN: 1032

Brand: GDW