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Call of Cthulhu Strange Eons V3 N1 1989 H P Lovecraft Horror L7

Regular price $19.99

Description: Strange Eons: The Jounal of the H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society. This small press publication covered many aspects of Lovecraft's mythos including material for the popular Call of Cthulhu horror role-playing game by Chaosium. This issue contains:

The R'lyeh Relay - The HPLLHS President's column

Correlated Contents - Notes from the editors

A Monograph on Cthulhoid Manifestations in Australia

Apocryphal Passage from a Suppressed Scripture taken from the papers of the late Professor Geisel, Paleographer

"Pentacle" - Artwork by Mike Cherry

The Black Crypt - Fiction aboard the Titanic

Meanwhile ... Back in the Real World - Newswclipping

"Wilbur" - Artwork by Mark Williams

A Glimpse at German Lovecraftiana

"Flesh" - Artwork by Darrell Tutchton

A very interesting piece of Cthulhu small press. Copyright 1989 H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society. 8-1/2" x 11", side stapled. 35 pages. OOP.

Condition: Used. Mild creasing, edgewear. Staples are tight, no rust.